We hope you are all busy getting on with your work. Here are a few points on work from AML and MFG. Check your emails and our blog site also. Email us with any questions.
Year 12 Media
- Please email me your essay on the represenation of ethnicity in 'Spooks' - ( those of you who have not done so) leggam@alleyns.org.uk
- Please start watching lots of medical/hospital dramas (if you are stuck at home you should be really able to master this). Look at the represenation of gender and the represenation of power/ status and class. I would advise Holby or Casualty.... You can even look at extracts on our Youtube site.
- Continue preparation for coursework focussing on storyboarding, target audience (based on bbfc guidelines here - http://www.sbbfc.co.uk/) and writing up in neat and posting onto your blogs the work on narrative, characters and location recces.
Year 13 Media:
- Please use this time to complete your planning work. The research on sound/ graphics/ idents is still left over. I will be marking this planning next week as there has been plenty of time now to complete it.
- Please plan and schedule your next filming - those of you who have some construction still to be done.
- If possible get into School tomorrow and spend time editing your trailer!
- Go to Slideshare here:
And download and read the presentation - making notes as necessary.
We hope to see you all very soon. Keep working hard!