Friday, 12 November 2010

Year 12 Homework - TV DRAMA

WORK for AML - this work is due in on Friday 26th November.

Those of you who missed the lesson on Friday should catch up notes as the discussion will help you with this homework. (Please make sure that you have also completed the notes on the narrative material for Tuesday.)


Discuss the representation of age in the extract entitled, 'Criminal Justice' - The Prison.
You should pay close attention to:
  • camera movement, angle and position
  • editing
  • mise-en-scene
  • sound
- Remember the sample student essay that we looked at together and the level of technical detail required for this task
- remind yourself of my comments on your last piece of work
-watch the extract 4 times only and make detailed notes
-write on each area in turn and give lots of examples to back up your points
-you need to look carefully at framing and use lots of technical terms
- when considering the representation of age, think also about how age might convey innocence or guilt/experience considering the prison setting.

The extract is on the ALLEYN'S YOU TUBE site - look up mfgrogan. Take care to look at the correct extract it is called 'Extract 3' of the Criminal Justice clips.