Week 1 + 2
Alongside prior research into similar media texts:
- - clear conventions of genre
- - clear conventions of the teaser trailer
- - influences and creative ideas
Week 3
Target audience and audience research
- Present findings electronically
- Overview of narrative and nonlinear narrative plan
Week 4, 5 + 6
See List for pre-production research and planning
- Get early recee date for locations
- Book equipment out in advance and book actors for filming in advance
Week 7 and Half Term
(11th – 31stOctober)
- Filming for production
- A number of days – not all at once
- Also book time for pick-ups
- Update Blogs with all planning materials
- Update blog with skills acquired during filming (for Exam unit)
Week 10
(1st -5thNovember)
Final week of construction – get pick-ups
- Log footage carefully and up-load onto Final Cut for editing
Week 11, 12, 13, 14
(8th – 3rdDecember)
Post – Production
- Editing and improving your knowledge of Final Cut.
- Separate Sound editing and Improved Graphics work.
- Keep detailed blog on decisions and revisions
Week 15
Another period of audience research – pilot your trailer and see what views are before finishing in post-production
Week 16
13th + 14thDecember
Update notes for blog on transitions/graphics/ sound editing
- Only two days this week before end of term things start.