Belief is weird. Weirder than the platypus. For one thing, even though belief really ought to be a binary state (you either believe something or you don't) it's still possible to be surprised when one of your beliefs is subsequently proved to be true, thus implying you didn't really believe it all along – or that maybe your brain believed it, on some floaty intellectual level, but your gut stubbornly refused to accept it as truth.
To find out more click on the headline...
This blog has been brought out of retirement to help students access remote learning materials in case any of the school systems crash. Otherwise this blog is an archive of the revision ideas, lesson notes, and homework used to help Media students at Alleyn's prepare for their A level exams since 2008. It will now be mothballed as students' work is contained on the school intranet 'the Hub'.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Charlie Brooker in The Guardian this week on newspapers and reality...
Postmodern Media