This blog has been brought out of retirement to help students access remote learning materials in case any of the school systems crash. Otherwise this blog is an archive of the revision ideas, lesson notes, and homework used to help Media students at Alleyn's prepare for their A level exams since 2008. It will now be mothballed as students' work is contained on the school intranet 'the Hub'.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Homework 12AB and 12AC Media
Home work for 12AB and 12AC Media Sets
You'll need to download a plug-in (it's all safe and above board) but I'd like you to watch this documentary on the rules of Film Noir. Bogey, Bacall and Mitchum play it tough as Matthew Sweet celebrates the hardboiled world of noir movies. "This is the world of film noir. It's a dark, American place with a fancy French name. A place where the sun has died, and people get by with neon, where the only pleasure to be had is from Bourbon and the satisfaction of knowing that life is a cheap little game in which everyone plays dirty. It worked out its own rules. And tonight we are going to cast a little light upon them...but only a little."
It's about an hour long.
Here are screenshots of the rules for those of you who forget...