Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Exemplar Work for Comparison 2016/17

Short Film - Ellie


Research and planning – 19
Main task – 37
Ancillary 1 - 9
Ancillary 2 - 9
Evaluation - 19
Overall - 93/100

Trailer - Salma


Research and planning – 18
Main task – 33
Ancillary 1 - 7
Ancillary 2 - 8
Evaluation - 16
Overall - 82

The trailer for this got a borderline level 4 mark...


Monday, 26 June 2017

Research into Similar Media Texts - Magazine Analysis

Make sure you do: 1. Institutional analysis - who makes your magazine and who buys it? 2. Magazine Front Cover analysis 3. Magazine Review page analysis

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Week 1 Work - Warp Films and Working Title

Discuss the ways in which media products are produced and distributed to audiences, within a media area, which you have studied.

The candidate received a low A grade for their response and used Warp Films and Working Title as their Case Studies.

Here's the presentation we went through in class:

Remember YOU have to put together information on Warp Films and in particular Four Lions (2010) and one other Warp Film.

Here's some good info on This is England (2008)


This will get you started on Four Lions:






U.S. Distribution


Representation and Four Lions


I will go through a Working Title Case Study with you as well. Here it is in advance:

G322 case study working title Case Stu from Alleyn's School Media Studies Department

Here's the trailer for The Boat That Rocked:


Week 2 Work - Technological Convergence, the Impact of Digital & Monsters

This week our exemplar essay explores technological convergence and the impact of digital on the five main areas of the film industry:

Production, Distribution, Marketing, Exhibition and Audiences.

Here's the powerpoint that helps shape your response to the exemplar essay:

And here's the trailer for the film Monsters:

And here's the powerpoint on the film Monsters:

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Year 12 Evaluation Questions & Construction Deadlines 2017 & Exemplar Evaluations


Each student will evaluate and reflect upon the creative process and their experience of it.

Students will evaluate their work electronically, this evaluation being guided by the set of key questions below. This evaluation may be done collectively for a group production or individually. Examples of suitable formats for the evaluation are: a podcast, director’s commentary, DVD extras alternative scenes, a blog, a Powerpoint, annotation of a YouTube clip, a Prezi, audience research graphs, edited focus group interviews, vox pops etc.

In all cases, students should be discouraged from seeing the evaluation as simply a written essay and the potential of the format chosen should be exploited through the use of images, audio, video and links to online resources.

In the evaluation the following questions must be answered:

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Year 12 AS Coursework Dates

Initial Editing Deadline
(For all graphic work, idents and editing)

Friday 17th February

AS Audience Screening
Next week

Final Deadline
(For all filming, editing and evaluations)
No extensions!
Friday 10th March

AS media studies evaluation notes from Alleyn's School Media Studies Department

Here's an example of an external student whose evaluation got an A* in 2011...

And here's some background information from the Chief Examiner also from 2011...

Exemplar blogs

This one got 16/20 for the evaluation… 51/60 for the construction and 15 for Research and Planning.

This one got 14/20 for the evaluation… 50/60 for the construction and 15/20 for Research and Planning.

This one got 17/20 for their evaluation… 53/60 for the construction and 19/20 for Research and Planning.

This one got 18/20 for the evaluation… 54/60 for construction and 18/20 for Research and Planning.